missing fonts in Elements 2

Posted By
Nancy S
Aug 14, 2003

Elements uses whatever fonts you have installed in your System Font folder. If the font you want listed there?

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Beth Haney
Aug 14, 2003
I’m just tagging on to Nancy’s response, which is what I would have say.

The other question you had was whether PSE 1 and PSE 2 could both be installed, and the answer is yes. I’ve been running both versions on one of my computers for about a year now without problems. (Not for any good reason; just because I’ve never gotten around to taking it off!)
Aug 15, 2003
How was the image files (what format). If not PSD or TIFF, then the text has been flattened into the image and doesn’t require fonts to open. If PSD and using a font no longer on your system "panose" will make the substitution (it’s own choice) and replace the font with one you do have. If, however the image is in PSD/TIFF and text has not been flattened and the font file has become corrupted (unstable) then you’ll have trouble opening the file.


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