CS3 selection feathering

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Jun 24, 2007
Why does feathering a selection in CS3 now feather in from the edges of the image (when the selection hits the outer border of the image) as well as the desired area within the image? In CS2 feathering (say at 250px) did not affect the boundaries, in CS3 it now feathers in from the boundaries as well. PITA.
What brilliant method of Mac OS operation are Windows users being saddled with here?

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Jun 24, 2007
I agree Fred. As an example, I will often need to darken the sky by making a quick selection with the Magic Wand, feather by up to 250 pixels then make a Levels Adjustment Layer, the mask of which is based upon the selection. No I have the extra step of "painting out" the unwanted feathered bits at the top and sides of the sky area.

If it ain’t broke…
Jun 24, 2007
To illustrate – here’s the selection, feathered to 250px in CS2 (note marching ants at the corners), followed by the same thing in CS3.

Trying to do a tone balance adjustment here is suddenly a chore, with the edges not being adjusted while the center of the selection is.

What on Earth has prompted this "improvement"???


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< http://www.pixentral.com/show.php?picture=1CRko0lwn7kzM8mQJT g0wtWQ2HjI0>
Jun 24, 2007
Whatever, this is the end for CS3 as far as I’m concerned. I’ll use Bridge 2/ACR4.1 for organizing and then opening NEF files into CS3 (they’re the good parts), then save them to TIFF in CS3 and re-open and do all the work and printing in CS2. CS3 is such a retrograde step in Windows as to beggar belief. Damn lucky I’m not in charge of firing at Adobe…..

If the methods of operation in CS3 are those which Mac users swan over, then I am more overjoyed than I can express that I changed to PC back in 1999. Even if it does mean that I’m adding to Bill’s coffers as a consequence (and that is saying a lot, believe me!).
Jun 24, 2007
I feel your pain Fred. But I’ll not be cutting off my nose to spite my face. CS3 has such a lot more going for it.

This "improvement" involves hitting Q for Quick Mask and giving a quick wipe with the brush to remove the offending feathered bits. A pain, but workable.

What I haven’t fully investigated yet is the new "Refine Edge" feature (which I suspect might have something to do with the change of feathering behaviour)

Jun 24, 2007
That’s my point, Chris – every "improvement" in this CS3 debacle seems to involve one or a myriad of "workarounds" to imitate (at best) the behaviour of the much refined CS2 version of Photoshop. The printing thing is just plain inexcusable.

Actually, to make no bones about it, Ps10 (Bridge 2 & ACR 4.1 excepted) is crap. Pure and simple.
Jun 25, 2007
I was told that the behaviour was changed due to user requests. I just think its a PITA, and have a hard time seeing any advantage.

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