Music Notes

Posted By
Sep 12, 2003

You wouldn’t think it would be hard to find… but I’m looking for music note ps6 shapes… or even a dingbat font with music notes if I have to.

I don’t really care what style, modern whatever 🙂

Does anyone have a link?

Thank you soo much for your time,

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Sep 12, 2003

A Google on "Music Font" will bring up many more links….
Sep 12, 2003
Those are perfect. O thank you so much.
Sep 12, 2003

I’ve noticed that the majority of the questions you’ve posted since you’ve been visiting here have been extraordinarily simple ones, even by beginner’s standards.

It’s not a question of helping you, because we will, but it would behoove you to make google your friend, and to get comfortable with looking things up in the Photoshop help files. You might also want to invest in a good 3rd-party book on Photoshop, maybe a couple. They always come in handy, and many of us who have been using Photoshop for years STILL refer to them.

It’ll save you time and give you the good feeling that comes with solving problems on your own. The more you do this the easier it becomes. Then you can more efficiently use your time here asking the real tough questions or just hanging out in the Photoshop lounge, having some goofy fun.
Don McCahill
Sep 13, 2003
That posting offends me somewhat, Phospher. I wasn’t aware that the forum was starting to restrict users from having "simple" problems solved.

You say the poster should research her problems herself. She did. Posting a question to this forum is a form of research. One that works incredibly well, by the way. Why should she choose a less effective one in the future?

Animegirl … ask away. That is what we are here for.
Mike Saxon
Sep 13, 2003
I don’t think Phosphor was suggesting ‘…starting to restrict users from having "simple" problems solved.’ I have found posters on this forum, including Phosphor and Don, incredibly generous with their time and knowledge.

I interpreted Phosphor’s post as well-meant, and implying that good research usually means going to many DIFFERENT sources (sometimes getting conflicting opinions – but hey, that’s the name of the game in research). Sometimes cross-fertilisation of good ideas can come about in this way. I imagine for example there must be other web sites that have experts on digitising musical notation, layering an image under an Excel spreadsheet, composition and form in art, etc. I am not denying the wealth of expertise within this forum, but when other areas of knowledge meld with a Photoshop query, then a search outside of this forum could well turn up some interesting results.

Ask away, Animegirl, AND ask around as well.

Sep 13, 2003
Don, Phosphor is exTREEMly subtle in saying what I am more than quick enough to point out:

"HEY! You bought this High Quality, High End application, and it not only came with a User Manual, it came with a BUILT IN HELP FILE with a SEARCH feature, easily accessable by pressing the F1 key! Take 2 minutes and try to find the answer YOURSELF by using the tools you paid good money for. Then, after making an attempt, ask."

For the umpteenth time, taking the LAZY way out by expecting others to prechew the answers for you is NOT what the forum is about. It is about sharing knowledge and experience to help users who USE the program, not just expect someone else to do 99% of the work for them. THAT is an extreme disservice to the PROFESSIONALS who share their knowledge, links, troubleshooting, etc. with the others.

BY THE WAY – If you are using PS7, there is an ENTIRE CATEGORY of vector shapes under the well-hidden category "MUSIC" that can be used…

The upcoming generation is a bunch of gits…
Sep 13, 2003
In another post, someone had asked about a Font Family box that displays what the font looks like (like in Word apps). I posted the typical "here’s what you do in photoshop" answer, and one of the long-time contributors of the forum said something like "I don’t usually work with text, thanks for the tip". No question really goes to waste.

What Phosphor was doing was broadening animgirls horizons. Maybe she already knew her resources, but just in case, it never hurts to remind folks that this forum isn’t the end-all of answers.

On the other hand, this forum is what I consider the best resource available. It’s easy to come here, post, and not have to wait two days for an answer. You get excellent advice, right away. So it’s easy to see how this would be a great "first stop".

Don’t be harsh on Phosphor; he’s a big proponent of "teaching to fish".

….like I count, but <shrug>

Sep 13, 2003
At least I spelled her name correctly.
Sep 13, 2003
And not only did I provide a couple good resources (first), I explained WHY being more self-sufficient is smart and efficient in the long run.

I have no apologies to make on this one, Don.
Sep 13, 2003

I have no apologies to make on this one<<

No, you don’t. You merely expanded on the implication I made in my reply.

Apart any other consideration, had she used Google, Animgirl would have had the answer available immediately rather than waiting for a forum response (Even if that was only a 6 minute wait in this instance<g>).
dave milbut
Sep 13, 2003
Plus animgirl has been here long enough to know us pretty well and I’m sure that she took it in the loving, nurturing helpful way that Phos meant it. :=)
dave milbut
Sep 13, 2003
actually anim, i made my own a few months back. patterns and brushes. i’ts pretty easy. lines & dots, maybe a couple swooshes to tie some together. then make a pattern. make a brush. whatever.
Sep 13, 2003
I myself have realized that the last couple questions have been very simple. I truly did search and found some fonts, but not what I was looking for at all. Sometimes I think it’s better after unsuccessful research to ask someone if you have a question. There are many people out there that have just your answer, they know exactly what you’re looking for, instead of researching the web for an hour to find it yourself. Gee, that’s what a forum is for I guess…I also search the forums to make sure that my questions haven’t been resolved before.

BTW i did use google. Oh, and i DON’T have ps7 so that option is screwed.

I am by all means not lazy. I am a firm believer in doing things myself and the feeling that comes with it. When I ask a question, it is because I have beforehand researched the issue and could not find a solution. I hesitate before I post here, I hate people wasting my time so I won’t waste theirs.

I have worked in Photoshop for 2.5 years and have 5 years experience in graphic design. I began when I was 14. I don’t claim to be perfect or wise, but I am not lazy. I am extremely self sufficient. I hate relying on others when I don’t have to. I like finding solutions myself and do so most of the time.

I am a web developer and graphics designer, and am a busy girl. I don’t have the time to make everything from scratch.

I have taught myself anything I know (and have read MUCH material), and have also studied After Effects for 3 years, in which I also do video work actively.

I am a part of approx 7 forums and am an active supermoderator on one, be it far from you to remind me the purpose of "the forum".

See that whole long paragraph?
Ol’ Whozit – 08:39pm Sep 12, 2003 Pacific (#7 of 13) Edited: 12-Sep-2003 at 08:41pm PST It would have taken you half the amount of time to post something useful instead of speeching on things you are not privy to.

The upcoming generation is a bunch of gits… Yeah, and the grass around here is purple too…

Phosopr’s reply was fine. What I don’t need however is other people sticking their finger in my face, acting as if they have me figured out. I mean, are we REALLY that BORED here? I’m not.

Really, I could go on and on here, but going back to what I believe in, I don’t waste people’s time.

To all those who keep it real, answer things they don’t always know the reasoning of, and keep the professionalism, keep it up.

have a nice day
dave milbut
Sep 13, 2003
peace animgirl
Sep 13, 2003
Relevant musings, pasted from an earlier dialogue:

Oliver Zheng – 10:43pm May 16, 2003 Pacific “[I] have photoshop 7 and i don’t seem to have numeric transform. i checked edit|Transform, but nothing was there. where is it?????”

Phosphor – 11:11pm May 16, 2003 Pacific “Look at the top of your screen.”

pierre courtejoie – 12:23am May 17, 2003 Pacific “Phoshor means: check in the option bar… if you hided it, check in the Window menu..”

Phosphor – 09:57am May 17, 2003 Pacific “No offense, Pierre, but I said EXACTLY what I wanted to say. No more, no less. I even amended my original reply from simply "Look up."

“I’m a firm believer in planting just enough of a seed in people’s minds so that they will scratch their head over the idea and make a further go of puzzling solutions out on their own. It helps foster personal curiosity and informational self-reliance, a skill that is far more important than just simply knowing who or where to ask when stuck on a simple problem. Sure, some answers require more than that and many of us are happy to provide that assistance, but those should be reserved for deeper, more involved questions.”

“This one clearly did not fall into that category.”

“Allegory: What fun, and how rewarding would it be, doing a New York Times crossword puzzle if the puzzle editor, who happens to share a Mid-Town Manhattan breakfast counter with you every morning, answered your questions every time you asked for help on the easy clues? A huge majority of the people I know would refuse to ask him (or her) for help, out of pride, stubbornness, or a true desire to work through it themselves. There is ENORMOUS value in that, and a great lesson to be learned about one’s self and how one makes their way through the world.”
Sep 13, 2003
Let’s not get our feathers ruffled here. Simple, small issue.

Even the Great and Powerful OZ has been known to not be able to think of the correct search term from time to time.
Sep 13, 2003
I have no problem with Phosophr, I was speaking of someone else’s replies. It hit the spot but I’m over it.
Sep 13, 2003
Ah, Ol’ Whozit. She’s one of the more colorful contributors. She’s smart, but has a sharp tongue. Don’t take it personally she’s loveable, harmless, and doesn’t discriminate <grin>.
Sep 13, 2003
Well not coming around here all the time and not knowing everyone, admittedly it was hard to interpret someone I didn’t know and how they meant what they said. :/

Hearing someone’s tone of voice makes all the difference in the world. 🙂
dave milbut
Sep 13, 2003
I think of kind of a high pitch ralph cramden.
Sep 14, 2003
Actually, more like Sigourney Weaver when she asks Rick Moranis if he is the Key Master…well actually more like Zuul when he’s answering Venkman’s questions.

Sep 17, 2003
Sep 18, 2003
Excuse me if I butt into this…question or diatribe pls?

Does this mean you can turn a downloaded font, that looks like a music symbol, –or any text for that matter– into a re-useable, re-scaleable, saveable shape?
Sep 18, 2003
"Does this mean you can turn a downloaded font, that looks like a music symbol, –or any text for that matter– into a re-useable, re-scaleable, saveable shape? "Yes…Type something. Go to "Layer—»Type—»Convert to Shape…" Then "Edit—»Define Custom Shape…"

Sep 18, 2003
Thanks. Don’t get out much when it comes to type. Tend to just use ‘same old, same old". Never recognized its usefullness.
Sep 18, 2003

You can use that technique to create vector logo "stamps", for whatever it may be worth.

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