saving as psd

Posted By
lee gale work
Jul 2, 2003
I have been asked to look into saving as a .psd. let me explain.

We capture images and give the user options for the format that they want to sve them in.

Is there any resources that helps with understanding this??

This is just a look at how feasible it would be.

thanks in advance

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

Jul 2, 2003
PSD is the native bitmap file format of the Adobe Photoshop graphical editing application. PSD files have the xtension .PSD under MS Windows and the file type code 8PBS on the Macintosh.

you can by photoshop and save from there, your scanner may even save as a psd or scan your image and export from something like Corel, But if its a scan without any layers it realy doesnt make any difernace if its a psd or a tiff. Psd alows you to have many layers on top of each other alowing for easy image changes and affects
lee gale work
Jul 8, 2003
Thanks for the post but I think my original was unclear.

We capture images from microscopes into our own software.

I would like to know if there are any toolkits etc that would allow us to add a save as psd.
Don McCahill
Jul 8, 2003
I don’t think there is a real need to save as PSD unless your application is creating Adobe layers, Adobe effects, or Adobe type. These are (some) of the things that are saved in PSD that other formats don’t have.

If you can save as a TIFF or EPS (depending on the type of file) PS can read the file, and there will be no benefit to saving as PSD.
Jul 8, 2003
"I would like to know if there are any toolkits etc that would allow us to add a save as psd."

Yup, it’s called Photoshop, and since you are capturing images into your own custom software, you will probably have to contact Adobe for the proprietory code to allow you the save as .psd option. Corel offers the.psd option in Painter, so I’m sure for a fee, you can include the format in your software.

Master Retouching Hair

Learn how to rescue details, remove flyaways, add volume, and enhance the definition of hair in any photo. We break down every tool and technique in Photoshop to get picture-perfect hair, every time.

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