Publishing my new Rollover Pic to the web.

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Aug 22, 2004
Hey all. I created a simple rollover (just learning) where the font of the text changes when rolled over. It output this as like 6 files in a separate ‘image’ directory. Now how do I get this so it shows up on a web page? I have my own space and all to upload it to, but how do I actually use it? What file name to I link to it? Somebody help!!


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Aug 22, 2004
You need to put the two files in an html file. The html file will call to the first image and use a mouseover even to call the second (rollover) image.

If you used ImageReady to create the rollover, it should have created an html file for you. Make sure you uploaded the html file and the image directory and images EXACTLY as you had it on your local hard drive.

To view the html file in a web browser you will need to type in the URL for your personal webspace followed by a /yourhtmlfilename.html

Aug 22, 2004
OK, that works all fine and dandy. Thank you. But is there anyway I can link to that picture from another website so they view it there? such as xxxxx.html?

It seems like this is what I cannot get to work, it’s driving me nuts!
Aug 22, 2004

If you simply are trying to show how you have used the image in your own website, then you’d just want to link to the page where the image is incorporated. However, by way of example, let’s say that I wanted this posting to include the rollover image so that others could see what it looks like and how it works. If that is akin to what you want, then no, I don’t believe that is possible. Much as your "such as" implies, you’d want you image to, in essence, to be some sort of embedded HTML page that includes all the javascript and multiple images defined in the rollover. I’m no wizard with HTML code or otherwise, but I’m pretty sure you’re not going to be able to achieve what I interpret as your goal. The closest thing I can think of is merely an animated GIF, but that would not require any mouseover action to be performed.


Aug 22, 2004
to link a a photo or URL to this website you would need to type in the following:

<a href=""> some descriptive text here</a>

In the case of your rollover, which sounds like it requires the html file, you would be linking to the html file name and not the image itself.
Aug 22, 2004
bumped by Daryl! 🙂
Aug 22, 2004
Darn, I wanted the picture to appear, not the link.
Aug 22, 2004
It’s not a good idea embed photos to this forum. There are some folks who visit here who must pay for bandwidth, per byte of info downloaded. The best thing is to post a link, which allows those who wish to follow the link to do so.

Your image is a rollover, you will NEED to see the html file to allow for the javascript rollover to work. Otherwise, all you will display here is one of the two states in the rollover.

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