Web Photo Gallery

Posted By
Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Hi group !

To my great surprise, I created a Web Photo Gallery in about 3 minutes ! This option is amazing !

If you want to see the result, go to <http://pages.infinit.net/carbone>


How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003

It’s from PSE 2.0. The pictures were taken today and two days ago (the skies).

Thanks πŸ™‚

Chuck Snyder
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi, notice he said PE 2.0…..


Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi is with PSE 1.0
Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Thank you Jodi. It’s Antique Paper (theme of the site).
Jodi Frye
Jul 10, 2003
Chuck, kiss it
Chuck Snyder
Jul 10, 2003
Ray, I know – that was my point…!

But Jodi is the best endorsement of PE 1 that could ever be imagined by the Adobe designers!!

Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi… any surprise today ?
Chuck Snyder
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi, after the nice things I said about you….

Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Chuck, this only proves that flatery always gets nowhere πŸ™‚

Jodi Frye
Jul 10, 2003
Ray, I’m still waiting…patiently πŸ˜‰

Chuck, gently

Ray, Chuck,

I just checked the options again in the web gallery and PE1 doesn’t have any options like that. Oh well. Thinking i’ll be using Photo Thumb anyways…( what Grant uses for our challenges)
Jodi Frye
Jul 10, 2003
Ray, Chuck is one of the closest people to my ….. it’s Ok, we are just playing.
Chuck Snyder
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi: OK
Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Jodi, use whatever pleases you! I only posted this to show how nice and powerfull this function is πŸ™‚
Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003

If I was to guess this missing word, I’d be thinking of … πŸ˜‰
Jodi Frye
Jul 10, 2003
OK looks like they doubled the options in PE2. Nice.

A little OFF TOPIc for mosquito haters;

Mosquito Remedy

Pass this on to anyone who likes sitting out in the evening or when they’re having a cook out. So you don’t like those pesky mosquitoes, especially now that they have the potential to carry the West Nile Virus? Here’s a tip that was given at a recent gardening forum. Put some water in a white dinner plate and add a couple drops of Lemon Fresh Joy dish detergent. Set the dish on your porch, patio, or other outdoor area. Not sure what attracts them, the lemon smell, the white plate color, or what, but mosquitoes flock to it, and drop dead shortly after drinking the Lemon Fresh joy/water mixture, and usually within about 10 feet of the plate. Check this out—it works just super! May seem trivial, but it may help control mosquitoes around your home, especially in the South and elsewhere where the West Nile virus is reaching epidemic proportions in mosquitoes, birds, and humans.
Ronald Hands
Jul 10, 2003
Raymond Robillard wrote:

To my great surprise, I created a Web Photo Gallery in about 3 minutes ! This option is amazing !

I used the Web Gallery feature a few days ago as well. And I too was amazed at how well it worked, even with 75 pictures to handle. Pix of recent trip to France at www.mountaincable.net/~rhands

— Ron
Hamilton, ON
Pete D
Jul 10, 2003

Those are pretty cool. Can I link those to one of my web pages? Or put it As one of the pages?

Jul 10, 2003

Glad you liked it ! πŸ™‚

This gallery is about to change. I’m only doing exercises because this is part of the upcoming lesson of Sunday. Once the class is completed, I will set up a permanent gallery. You may link to it, no problem, but keep in mind the content will change.

Pete D
Jul 10, 2003

Ha ha….Not that I would not like to link to your gallery page,… but I was asking about how to use "the gallery" (One I would create) with My pages that already exist on the web, created with Publisher as you know:).

Jul 10, 2003
Not only is that a neat effect Ray, but even on my slow dialup it loads really quickly. And the pictures are good too….I like clouds and skies. I get bored with all these plain blue ones that I get here….

Susan S
Jul 10, 2003
Ok… for the benefits of others here :

First, deposit all the files from your web gallery to a subfolder on your website space (to avoid possible conflict with your current stuff),

Next, in Publisher, create an hyperlink for your gallery, inputing the entire URL. Something like http://www.myhoster.com/mysubfolder/index.html (where mysubfolder is the name of folder you deposited your files from the PSE Gallery).

Next, you’ll need to modify one of the files from the PSE gallery, adding an hyperlink back to your regular website. The hyperlink will be : http://www.myhoster.com/index.html (providing the name of your main page is INDEX.HTML, sometimes, it’s called INDEX.HTM)

In PSE (and this is valid for PS7 as well), certain projects have more than one main page. A top frame and a bottom frame for thumbnails (or left and right). Check where it fits best to put your main page link in one of the files making the main page for your gallery. Somtimes, the Thumbnails will be best, others, it’s the index.htm that will work best).

Jul 10, 2003
Thanks Susan ! PSE optimized the settings, you have absolutely very little to do! That’s a cool function πŸ™‚

The skies… I shot one at regular exposure. Then I under exposed 1 stop. Then 2 stops. I realized there was like a shape appearing in the cloud… Like someone trying to hug me (I know, this sounds crazy… but that’s what I started to see!). I decided to keep the three of them, and I will probably convert them in animated gif πŸ™‚

By the way, the first reason I shot clouds is that when cutout from the rest of the picture, they make beautifull brushes. I grew tired of blue plain skies as well, now and then, I add a little cloud. That shape was missing from my collection πŸ™‚

Pete D
Jul 10, 2003

Thanks for the detailed explanation. Appreciate you taking the time to put it all down like that.

Jul 10, 2003
It’s nothing πŸ™‚

Grant Dixon
Jul 10, 2003

Nice photos.

Stanley Hellman
Jul 10, 2003
Ray, You are quite a guy, and I am looking forward to learning alot from you and all the other members of this program. I don’t know how you find the time to do all that you do.
Jul 10, 2003

Very interesting! I might try that sometime. However, I wonder: Isn’t that the same theory behind citronella candles (citron being French for lemon)?

Jul 10, 2003
Grant, thanks!
Stan, the web gallery really does not take that long… 4 minutes and you’re done πŸ™‚

Beth Haney
Jul 10, 2003
Thanks for the mosquito tip, Jodi! And, Owl, it probably is the same theory, except Jodi wouldn’t have to buy a special candle; she can get double duty from the dishwashing detergent.

And if you’re bothered by bees at your picnic: Set out a container of jello. They go in and drown! (This tip thanks to some slob who showed up at a potluck one August with a partially set bowl of jello and left it on the table uncovered!)

Edit: Dang! I really wanted to congratulate Ray on his nice pics but got distracted by thoughts of mosquitos and bees!

I’d seen that template and liked it, except for those arrows. Now if one of our forum geniuses could replace those little gifs with something less "fussy" it’d be a real winner.
Jul 10, 2003
I can’t believe that this awesome gallery function is in PSE 2.0. I had all these photos and wanted something exactly like PSE can do, but used iPhoto. The PSE version blows away iPhoto’s. The biggest stupidity in iPhoto’s is that the default filename (index.html) is called the name of the gallery, not index.html. How dumb is that?

Btw, are there any additional styles that people have made that are available to download? Seems like something cool that people would do.
Jul 10, 2003

You can change those arrows. Go to \Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements 2\Presets\WebContactSheet\Antique Paper\images. There are files like prev.gif, next.gif etc. If you substitute these pictures with the arrows of your choice, you’ll be in business. I learned about this in a thread here in the forum. You may want to search for it.


Edit: You need to name your new files the same. So rename the originals first.
Jane Carter
Jul 10, 2003
Thanks Ray, for the web info, I copied your instructions. I haven’t gotten a real page yet, but I made myself a promise that in Sept and October I will do one. I already have jcarter.net for my domain name.
I have GoLive 6, but it is just getting started that is baffeling me. Oh yes, I would need a web host too.
Beth Haney
Jul 10, 2003
Thanks, Juergen. I remember that thread, too, and – as a matter of fact – I think I was one of the ones making posts to it! I do have a custom gallery in mine now that eliminates the banners; I don’t know why I didn’t think of substituting the gifs! Duh.
Raymond Robillard
Jul 10, 2003
Beth, that sounds cool! PageMill, though, is it an Adobe software ?
Beth Haney
Jul 10, 2003
Yep, PageMill is obsolete. I think it was probably relaced by GoLive, at least for the Mac platform. It’s one of (most of!) my applications that run in OS 9 instead of OS X, so it’s still easy for me to use it. I HATE replacing perfectly good software! (Which means that Apple will probably be introducing the G6s before I ever manage a migration to the new G5!)
Ronald Hands
Jul 11, 2003
I also tried the Web Photo Gallery a few days before Ray posted his message, and was similarly amazed by how easy it is. I had about 75 pictures from a recent trip to France which I wanted to put up for a few friends (www.mountaincable.net/~rhands if anyone’s interested)and it made short work of it — after I figured out that I had to rename each picture with a three-digit number to get them to appear in the proper sequence πŸ™‚

— Ron
Hamilton, ON
Jane Carter
Jul 11, 2003
Hi Ron, What a great gallery! Your pictures are really lovely. This is what I would love to do, the picture gallery is just what I need. I wouldn’t need GoLive at all? You just make the gallery with PSE then upload it to your web space on your ISP? I guess I could do this with Earthlink.
I wish someone here would write a tutorial on this.

Thanks, Jane
Jane Carter
Jul 11, 2003
Hi Barb, This is great! I have Fetch, and I will try this just as soon as I can! Thanks, Jane
Marty Landolt
Jul 11, 2003
Nice Job, I’ll have to look in my Elements book so more. I’d love to find something I could do in 3 minutes!
Jul 12, 2003
Thank you Marty! Really, I assure you, 3 minutes and it’s ready (just like Minute Rice… sort of!)

Pete D
Jul 12, 2003

It would be nice to do something in three minutes, …. but nicer yet to have something you never want to stop doing:)

Ronald Hands
Jul 12, 2003

I use Windows (98SE) and then upload with WS-FTP so the procedures would be slightly different for you, as a Mac user — at least the upload portion would be different.

No reason though why you can’t set up a folder with some of your pictures for a practice run, and then have Web Gallery put the resulting files (about five of them) in a separate folder. It will give you an idea of how simple it is and let you play with the different gallery styles before you ever try to upload to a web site.

— Ron
Earl Alexander
Aug 20, 2003
I have tried to put together a Web Photo Gallery, but when it is assembled, how do I get it posted onto the Web. Maybe I missed something, but there doesnt seem to be a LINK that I can pass on to family and friends.Do I need another program to get it posted onto the Web?
Earl Alexander
Aug 20, 2003
Thanks Jodi, My ISP allows 5MB of space. The free site you mentioned seem to be "free" for 30 days, then real expensive, or did I look at the wrong link?
Jodi Frye
Aug 20, 2003
Earl, hold on, I think I gave you the wrong link…hold on…be right back ( sorry )
Jodi Frye
Aug 20, 2003
OK, here it is, the one i use…it’s

Ipswitch WFTP LE

Oct 1, 2003
A great tool for making web pages from a folder of photos but I am wondering if there is a way to change the slide show so that the pictures display faster than every 10 seconds?
I have looked everywhere and it seems to be preset without a way to change it. I hope I am wrong and someone can help.
Oct 3, 2003
I don’t think there is an option in PS to change that. Unfortunately, it doesn’t use a javascript file to do the changing

Looks like you’ll have to do it manually πŸ™
Oct 4, 2003
Yes, you can do it manually, open the html file in a text or html editor and change the value. It isn’t so painful, but you need to change it in all pages. Look in the Pages folder, open each file and look for a line like:

The 10 is the timing. You may also want to change
slide changes every 10 seconds
Philipp Ott
Oct 11, 2003
Hello !

I use Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0.
I once did a "web photo gallery" site, that makes a complete photo website with one click. But each web photo gallery I want to create now, has the same title as the first I made. How can I change this ?! I also did settings, that I don’t want the file name shown. Yet the are shown.

Thank you for help,

Oct 13, 2003
Any insight when using the Automate,Web photo gallery. All of my images aren’t being converted,just some them. How can I cure this problem?

Thank you for your time and help!
Oct 13, 2003

A good start,although it seems simplistic, is make sure ALL the prints you want to automate are in the same folder. Photoshop doesn’t realise this until you instruct it.

Sometimes when you are doing batches, it is best to drag all your photos into ONE folder and name it, batch it and convert it all in the same command using batch file. Then you will be able to choose which photos go onto your web site using the gallery command.


Oct 15, 2003
Ok Thanks Tim
Dec 3, 2003
Could someone tell me how to post the web photo gallery to my Internet provider. I know how to create it, and I know how to up load it using FTP software. I know the index HTML is critical for viewing the web gallery. But I’m not sure what to do with it. The web photo gallery creates three folders and four files . How do I arrange these at my server,so others can view them.
Also I notice that CS makes the .html files just .htm and doesn’t give you the choice of doing .html like 7 did.
Rob Jaffe
Dec 3, 2003
How do I arrange these at my server,so others can view them.

exactly the same way they’re arranged on your system. that is, relative to the index.htm file, where ever you put that, consider that "start". then images should be one directory below the directory where index.htm resides, and so on.

Also I notice that CS makes the .html files just .htm and doesn’t give you the choice of doing .html like 7 did.

I hadn’t noticed that as I haven’t tried web gallery in CS yet (i will soon though). If true, that stinks. Very microsoft-ish. There’s gotta be a way to set it.
Dec 3, 2003
rob, right on the dialog, in the options section. select general, there’s a dropdown for Extention. .htm and .html
Dec 3, 2003
Hi Dave
Thanks for your quick response
It works perfectly
Dec 3, 2003
you’re welcome rob. glad to help!

Jan 27, 2004
OK, here is a simple question, one that seems to be out of my brain’s reach. How does one insert a CR/LF within the input text of the "Description" in the File Info so that it actually works in the HTML document? For example, I would like to display 3 sepearate lines of text from the "Description" as 3 seperate lines in the HTML document.

It seems that while entering text in the PS CS File Info "Description" window, a CR seems to work and display within the window, but when output through the Web Photo Gallery, all such characters are passed through as literals and not parsed into HTML code. The result is one big run-on sentence.

Any ideas?

Tom Thackrey
Jan 27, 2004
On 26-Jan-2004, Brian <> wrote:

OK, here is a simple question, one that seems to be out of my brain’s reach. How does one insert a CR/LF within the input text of the "Description" in the File Info so that it actually works in the HTML document? For example, I would like to display 3 sepearate lines of text from the "Description" as 3 seperate lines in the HTML document.
It seems that while entering text in the PS CS File Info "Description" window, a CR seems to work and display within the window, but when output through the Web Photo Gallery, all such characters are passed through as literals and not parsed into HTML code. The result is one big run-on sentence.

newline works in a <textarea> but not elsewhere in HTML, so you have to convert the newlines to <br> try the function nl2br()

Tom Thackrey
tom (at) creative (dash) light (dot) com
do NOT send email to (it’s reserved for spammers)
Tom Thackrey
Jan 27, 2004
On 26-Jan-2004, "Tom Thackrey" wrote:

On 26-Jan-2004, Brian <> wrote:

OK, here is a simple question, one that seems to be out of my brain’s reach. How does one insert a CR/LF within the input text of the "Description" in the File Info so that it actually works in the HTML document? For example, I would like to display 3 sepearate lines of text from the "Description" as 3 seperate lines in the HTML document.
It seems that while entering text in the PS CS File Info "Description" window, a CR seems to work and display within the window, but when output through the Web Photo Gallery, all such characters are passed through as literals and not parsed into HTML code. The result is one big run-on sentence.

newline works in a <textarea> but not elsewhere in HTML, so you have to convert the newlines to <br> try the function nl2br()

Sorry, brain check, thought I was in comp.lang.php.

Try using <br> with the newline, you will see it in the description window but it will be interpreted correctly in HTML

Tom Thackrey
tom (at) creative (dash) light (dot) com
do NOT send email to (it’s reserved for spammers)
Jan 27, 2004
On Tue, 27 Jan 2004 07:44:33 GMT, "Tom Thackrey" wrote:

On 26-Jan-2004, Brian <> wrote:

OK, here is a simple question, one that seems to be out of my brain’s reach. How does one insert a CR/LF within the input text of the "Description" in the File Info so that it actually works in the HTML document? For example, I would like to display 3 sepearate lines of text from the "Description" as 3 seperate lines in the HTML document.
It seems that while entering text in the PS CS File Info "Description" window, a CR seems to work and display within the window, but when output through the Web Photo Gallery, all such characters are passed through as literals and not parsed into HTML code. The result is one big run-on sentence.

newline works in a <textarea> but not elsewhere in HTML, so you have to convert the newlines to <br> try the function nl2br()

Sorry, brain check, thought I was in comp.lang.php.

Try using <br> with the newline, you will see it in the description window but it will be interpreted correctly in HTML

Been there, done that. No joy.

Apparently all text from the "Description" window gets parsed into the HTML document as literals which means that "<" from the text becomes "&lt;" in the HTML doc. In other words, the <br> apprears in the HTML doc as "&lt;br&gt;".

I’ve tried embedding all sorts of HTML code and everything gets passed as a literal so that can’t be the answer.

I’m beginning to think that this "simple" question is not so simple. I’ve looked far and wide and can’t believe that nobody else has ever asked this. I suppose the answer will ultimately turn out to be right in front of my face all the time.

In the meanwhile, the only workaround for the time being seems to embed some sort of weird character or series of weird characters, i.
e., $$, whereever I want a new line, and then edit all of the HTML
docs by doing a global search for "$$" and replace with <br>. Messy but it would work.
Warren Sarle
Jan 27, 2004
<Brian> wrote in message

Apparently all text from the "Description" window gets parsed into the HTML document as literals which means that "<" from the text becomes "&lt;" in the HTML doc. In other words, the <br> apprears in the HTML doc as "&lt;br&gt;".

I’ve tried embedding all sorts of HTML code and everything gets passed as a literal so that can’t be the answer.

I’m beginning to think that this "simple" question is not so simple.

There are lots of glitches like this in Web Photo Gallery. Another one is that you can’t use file extensions other than .htm and .html. So you have to write a script to post-process everything. So you might as well do all the image processing in the script, too, and scrap Web Photo Gallery. Then you can process multiple folders, you can sharpen images after resizing, etc. In my case, the scripts run a lot faster than Web Photo Gallery because I generate web images in three different sizes, so I can read the original image just once instead of three times.

Web Photo Gallery is fine for creating one or two simple galleries, but it is amateur-level software.
Jan 29, 2004
So I just tried this in CS and it worked.

First I made a Web Gallery.

Then I opened the index page and tweeked the code and made it exactly like I wanted.

I did it by hand and then I did it using Dreamweaver.

Worked great.

I also remember reading somewhere in the PS Help that you can add your own looks and feels if you know how to code html but that you have to do it correctly or it doesn’t work. OK! Found it, From PS CS Help:

"Customizing Web photo gallery styles

You can customize an existing Web photo gallery style by editing one or more of its HTML template files. When customizing a style, you need to follow these guidelines so that Photoshop can generate the gallery correctly:
The style folder must contain these files: Caption.htm, IndexPage.htm, SubPage.htm, Thumbnail.htm, and FrameSet.htm.
You can rename the style folder but not the HTML template files in the folder.
You can have an empty Caption.htm file, and place the HTML code and tokens determining the layout of the caption in the Thumbnail.htm file.
You can replace a token in a template file with the appropriate text or HTML code, so that an option is set through the template file rather than through the Web Photo Gallery dialog box. For example, a template file may contain a BODY element with the following bgcolor attribute that uses a token as its value:


To set the background color of the page to red, you can replace the token %BGCOLOR% with "FF0000."
You can add HTML code and tokens to the template files. All tokens must be in uppercase characters, and begin and end with the percent (%) symbol. For information on the tokens that you can use in the template files, seeUsing tokens in Web photo gallery styles.

To customize an existing Web photo gallery style:
Locate the folder for the Web photo gallery style that you want to customize. For the location of style folders, seeAbout Web photo gallery styles.
If you don’t want to overwrite an existing style, create a copy of the style folder, and store it in the same location on your hard drive as the existing style folders.
Using an HTML editor, open one of the HTML template files located inside the style folder.
Customize the HTML template file using the guidelines for customization outlined in this section, and save the file. Repeat steps 2, 3, and 4 to customize other HTML template files in the style folder.

When you have finished, you can create a gallery using the customized style. The customized style appears as an option in the Styles pop-up menu in the Web Photo Gallery dialog box." Β©adobe
Jan 30, 2004
On 28 Jan 2004 21:16:31 -0800, (suz) wrote:

So I just tried this in CS and it worked.

First I made a Web Gallery.

Then I opened the index page and tweeked the code and made it exactly like I wanted.
I appreciate all your added comments but unfortunately none of it address my original question. My particular web gallery files are already highly customized. My question related to the procedure to pass a carriage return from the "Description" text area of the File Info so that the resultant web page would have such a carriage return within the text that was passed through.

So far it seems impossible. All carraige returns and attempts to embed HTML tags (such ar <BR> or <P>) get either filtered out or inserted into the text as "&lt;BR&gt", etc.

Try this is the File Info / Description of any image:
This is line 1
This is line 2

Now create your web gallery with or without your customized HTML templates and the result is :

This is line 1 This is line 2

Not good.
Feb 6, 2004
Hi! I am building my website and needed to add some photos. So I found the "web Photo Gallery" function on Adobe, created a gallery, and would like to add this gallery (with all its nice navigational tools, etc.) to my existing website. I thought I could upload all the Adobe files used to create the gallery, into my website (so that all the folders would be in the same place.) but I cant seem to make a complete connection. When I hit the link in my website to go to the gallery, the basic format is there but no photos! For some reason I can’t view the HTML for that gallery’s homepage–says I need a certain browser capable of viewing frames??? Am I beating a dead horse or can I get this to work?
Thanks for any advice…
Feb 7, 2004
You probably should add a little more information about the kind of software you’re using. I have successfully uploaded Web Photo Galleries to the internet, but my knowledge about this is pretty limited. If you give some specifics, I’m sure it would help others try to figure out what’s going on.
Feb 7, 2004
Sorry…I’m on Photoshop Elements on a pc; Im working my site thru Yahoo’s web services; ?? From reading Beth’s responses to a similar q, I understand that my difficulty lies in the fact that my site has a designated index.htm page. The photo gallery has its own index.htm page. when I upload all the gallery files to my site it substitutes the gallery index.htm page for my original. Not good. I can easily get my original index back. I guess my question is, will my gallery pages work if I don’t call its page "index.htm"? Do I just rename it?? so it doesn’t overwrite mine? I tried to dump all the gallery pages into one folder so that those files could work as a group on their own, but seems i have to upload the contents of the individual gallery folders individually? Am I making ANY sense?
Feb 7, 2004

The easiest thing to do, when you got it all back to normal, is make a sub directory on you server call it what ever you like say "gallery". Now put all you elements web site in there and create a hyper like to gallery/index.htm. The elements generated web site must be as it is on you hard drive with all the directors and what not to work properly.

While you can have an index.htm and index.html in the same director it can and often will play havoc so don’t be tempted to do it.

Feb 9, 2004
You can use the version 7 options from the CS compact disk. DD

"Peaches" wrote in message
Is there any place I can download more options for the Web Photo Gallery??

Feb 13, 2004
I’m trying to do a gallery. PS goes thru all it’s work but my page has no images. It keeps saying that it can’t open an image due to low system memory. I’m on a mac Powerbook G4. Also, in the destination folder, the image info shows no mb under file size. It’s like there is no image. Just the file name. HELP!!!!
Feb 22, 2004
I recently upgraded to PS CS. I am not happy with the slide show choices for the web photo gallery provided in the program.
Does anyone know if any more templates can be downloaded from Adobe? I am not experienced enoough to create my own.
Also does anyone know of a program that would allow me to create a Web slide show with music?

I would appreciate any suggestions.
Apr 23, 2004
Hi. I have recenlty used the Web Photo Gallery batch automation. I love the time it saves but am wondering if there is a way to add more "templates"? In other words, the 10 or so options for the .html page it generates are ok but I’m looking for more.

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
Apr 24, 2004
copy and paste existing templates to new folders and modify to your hearts content.
Apr 24, 2004
Dave, thanks but if I understand what your saying thats not what I was looking for. I’ll probably end up doing that but I wanted to know if there were ways to add new templates to the drop down menu in the Web Photo Gallery.
Apr 24, 2004
Sure, make your own.
Make a folder in WebContactSheet folder.
It will show in drop down options.

Of course, you’ve got to create the same similar HTML structure of files IN that folder that the others have.

Apr 24, 2004
Ok cool thanks.
Apr 24, 2004
right. what mac said! πŸ™‚ if you create them there, they’ll show up in the menu.
May 10, 2004
I recently completed a web photo gallery in pS CS. I also created a template from the browser to include all metadata from my pictures in the gallery.

However with the exception of the camera name and photo number and ext. nothing else appears on my pictures in the gallery.

Am I missing any steps here? I would appreciate a suggestion.


May 25, 2004
For the life of me I can’t figure out how to send an email file of a web photo gallery I made in CS. When emailing I get an error message saying not a registered protocol. Do I send the index file that I saved? I have read the online help and the manual. I thought I was not a novice but I can’t get this to work. I’m trying to make a photo gallery and email to someone. Any help is greatly appreciated. Even somewhere where I can read how.

Thanks, Marion
May 25, 2004
Web photo gallery is made up of MANY files, including one or more folders of files also, depending on which one you make.

Unless you .zip the entire directly structure together, you won’t have much luck emailing.

Peter Aitken
May 25, 2004
wrote in message
For the life of me I can’t figure out how to send an email file of a web
photo gallery I made in CS. When emailing I get an error message saying not a registered protocol. Do I send the index file that I saved? I have read the online help and the manual. I thought I was not a novice but I can’t get this to work. I’m trying to make a photo gallery and email to someone. Any help is greatly appreciated. Even somewhere where I can read how.
Thanks, Marion

A web photo gallery is designed to be put on a web site – then you send people the URL so they can view it. Or, you can put in on a CD and send them the CD.

Peter Aitken

Remove the crap from my email address before using.
May 25, 2004
Tried to zip all the files and send as an attachment in an email but still no luck. Can someone give me an example of what or how they post a photo gallery for others to view? Do they make a web page and insert it that way?

Thanks again for any help.
May 25, 2004
Do they make a web page and insert it that way?

It IS a web page. Upload all of the files to the server then email a link.
Jun 7, 2004
Help please: if I use the automatic web photo gallery everything works fine, the .htm files and the image folders are created and I can upload them to the server. Now if I somebody checks the photos and adds a feedback he can use the "save feedback" option and a small "saved" sign pops up.
But if I access the page later and want to check the feedback everything is empty, even if the "saved" sign poped up.
Did I forget a function or anything?
Jun 7, 2004
Two questions regarding the Web Photo Gallery feature in PE 2.0.2:

1. Is there any way to create the top level web page with a name other than index.html? I am incorporating the HTML generated by Elements into a larger website and I need to have unique names each time I create a new set of pages.

2. Large image pages always seem to get the filename appended to the banner title, regardless of any options settings. Is there a way to prevent this?

Thanks, Nick
Jun 7, 2004
1. Yes, you can re-name the index file. You then need to link to that file by name, not just to the directory (index.html starts up automatically). More practical would be placing each gallery into its own subdirectory. That way you don’t need to change any file or directory names.
2. You can edit the code in the HTML template which you can find (in XP)
here: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements
2\Presets\WebContactSheet\your gallery style

Jun 7, 2004
This is coded into the HTML that PS Web Gallery makes?
If so, I didn’t know about it.
Maybe new in CS? (I’m using 7).

Or is this a function of the site you are using for hosting?

Jun 7, 2004
Ah, so is a CS added feature, apparantly.

I looked at "new features" and whatnot on Adobe site and didn’t see it mentioned.

Jun 8, 2004
Thanks Len,
after checking the link you mentioned it’s clear now;
so I have to add the form in Golive.
Jun 8, 2004
Here you can see a sample I put up for somone to see from the Rob Galbraith Forum. He needed feedback from his Picturedesk.
One can email the results right from the web site.

Jun 8, 2004
Thanks for the response.
1. Some ISPs only support a flat directory structure in which case it is not possible to use subdirectories. I want to incorporate the HTML from Elements into a site which already has index.html. I can rename the index file produced by PS but then I have to alter the references to it in all its individual image pages. I was hoping PE would save me some effort!

2.Thanks for this tip. (I changed the subpage template to use HEADER in place of SUBPAGEHEADER in the banner and it works fine).

Jun 8, 2004
I can rename the index file produced by PS but then I have to alter the
references to it in all its individual image pages.

I have not tried all of this, but you should be able to edit the template HTML file that contains the reference to index.htm. I think it is SubPage.htm. You can change ‘a href=%CURRENTINDEX%’ to refer to your start page before you run Create Web Gallery. Then change the just created index file to your start page name. That would be a one time only edit and one file name change. I think it might work. πŸ™‚

Jun 10, 2004
I tried it and it works. Thanks for the help. I think would be a good improvement if the user could specify the filename to be used, in the options when running Create Web Gallery. (Why have a variable if it is only ever allowed to have one value?)
Jun 10, 2004
Thanks for letting us know that it is working.

Andy Aldridge
Jun 14, 2004

The web photo gallery is very handy to me, I can change most of the templates to look how I want the finished product apart from the feed back form.

The default cells in the feedback section are "Approved & Other" when I try to change these to something else I get errors, say if I wanted to change Approved to Bad how would I do this .

Hope you can Help

Andy Aldridge

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Joe Baker
Jun 21, 2004
I am having trouble when building a web photo gallery. I am trying to get the photo’s title and description to be visible on the web page but those fields are blank. Using photoshop CS browser, the photo has the metadata information, but I have not been successful in getting the photoshop web photo gallery automation to extract the metadata when building the web pages.

Please help if you have any ideas!

Joe Baker
Jun 24, 2004
Juergen and Nick,
I had the same question as Nick about renaming the index page and having all the other pages follow the change. But I don’t seem to get positive results. When I change ‘a href=%currentindex%’ using the "table" template in elements, the links still get lost on the arrows gifs to return to the thumbnail page. I’m an html rookie, let me ask this way: if I want my gallery index page to be ‘gallery.htm’ and all the following pages to link back and forth, what do I change in the template? Do I replace the whole ‘a href……’ or leave ‘current’. Anyway I’ve tried every combo and can’t seem to come up with a way for elements to just save it as anything other than index.htm. The gallery function would be nice to use as I have a lot of images. Thanks.
Jun 24, 2004
I’m assuming you are running Windows. Here we go:
Go to C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop Elements
Open the file ‘SubPage.htm’ and find the line containing ‘%CURRENTINDEX%’ and change it to ‘../YourGalleryName.htm’
Run Create Web Gallery
Go to your destination folder and rename ‘index.htm’ to
‘YourGalleryName.htm’ (be sure to use the exact same spelling as above, HTML is case sensitive)
Double click on ‘YourGalleryName.htm’ and you should be in business. Good luck.

Jun 24, 2004
wow, thank you for the quick response. I found another program that allows me to accomplish the task with a few tricks, but I would like to use the feature in Elements if this works. I’ll try again when I get home, that’s where the website dwells. Thanks again
Jun 25, 2004
It needs one more step to avoid the dreaded can’t find website message. In the WebContactSheet template you need to open ‘indexpage.htm’ and change the line containing %PREVINDEX% to also reflect the name of your new index page, without the back slash (it’s still necessary in the change you gave me for the SubPage.htm up link). Elements still builds all the thumbnail pages with .index02 etc, but this change at least keeps all the pages linked with no sorry page. The back arrow and up arrow will always take you to the new index page but that’s a compromise I can live with.
Thanks again

Jun 25, 2004
Glad to hear that you got it to work and thanks for letting us know πŸ™‚

Jul 26, 2004
Using PSv7.1 and have a folder of pixs I’d like to upload to my sever using FETCH for family to view via website using Comcast. I get as far as Automate/Batch/WebPhotoGallery and select my folder of .jpg files. My problem is selecting an ‘output’ folder to upload. I know I’m missing a tiny step if somebody could direct me. I’ve checked PS Help menu, manual, and hit a dead end. The batch method would save me a lot of time and love the idea of the thumbnail feature on the site. Thanks for any help.
DP G4 1.25Ghz, 2Gig RAM, OS10.3.4
Jul 26, 2004
Name a new empty folder with exactly the name you want to see on your site as a suffix. E.g. "party_pix" would be a folder named party_pix and would show up at


When you create the site pages in WPG just designate the party_pix folder as the destination folder. After WPG has run upload the party_pix folder to my_site.com using Fetch.
Jul 28, 2004
Hi Allen, and thank you for the reply. I batched all the pixs using WPG to a newly created folder called TahoeParty, and when I tried to Select/Choose the folder (TahoeParty) it was dimmed out. But I did upload all the data: all the .jpg + index_2.htm + index.htm + pages + UserSelections.txt + Thumbnails one by one using Automatic upload but it didn’t work. then tried RawData option..no go, then MacBinaryIII, no go. For some reason it will not allow me to upload that particular folder as ONE. I’m thinking maybe FETCH will not allow folders ::guessing:: as I have NO problems uploading .jpg, text, one at a time. I’m not giving up, so will keep trying. OH-when launch the site it says, ‘URL can not be found’, which I’ve seen before and its been my mistake..which I did a typo error and corrected with no problem. I’ll repost when I find what I’ve done wrong, and thanks again. I do have a site already on my server, but don’t think that should be the snag.Sorry for the long post guys.
Jul 28, 2004
Can you drag and drop the TahoeParty folder to the destination (web) server from your desktop.? I haven’t used fetch for years, is there a pane displaying the remote servers directory structure? You should be able to upload folders with Fetch.

Jul 28, 2004
What Chip said. Just drag the TahoeParty folder from the Mac window to the Fetched website window.

P.S. I am in Tahoe, live in Truckee.

– – – think snow…
Jul 28, 2004
YiPee-ki-ya: Hey Chip & Allen..you guys are right on target and I got lift off. Fetch has a drop down menu for Folders to ‘ADD’ and I changed .htm to .html for the suffix. It works. Now, I’m going to find tune and NAME all the pixs like I should have from the beginning so it won’t look like a kook just tossed it together: <http://home.comcast.net/~doug.clay/TahoeJuly/index.html> ..still learning these boards, and thanks for your patients. OH–I learned to ski in Boreal, not that anybody cares <G>..dang I’m excited. Thank you sooo much.
Doug<==So CA – Surf City
Jul 28, 2004
Some servers don’t like uppercase letters.
Jul 28, 2004
That makes since..thanks. And have to resize the pixs larger…grrr. Hey, at least I got lift off into the right directon. Thanks again all for the help.
Aug 3, 2004
When I create a web gallery (with horizontal thumbnail frame), it opens in my browser and looks fine. But, when I upload the folder and view it online, it’s seperated into pages with the thumbnails on one page and the larger photos on another. Anyone know why??
Aug 4, 2004
WPG is _full_ of limitations, not up to PS standards by any stretch. However, what you describe sounds like user issues rather than WPG issues. Please precisely describe how uou go about the upload process. And, please give us a link to the uploaded result.
Aug 4, 2004
My feeling about WPG is that does a quick, and reasonably adequate, job of building a basic website Β… then you have the option of refining it further in GoLive.
Aug 12, 2004
Where can I go to learn how to add a web photo gallery to my web site. The online help or manuel doesn’t explain it well enough, for me anyways. Guess I’m a slow learner…lol.

Thanks in advance, Marion
Aug 12, 2004
Create a group of images and put them in a folder.

Create a folder on your hard drive that is within your website files on your hard drive that has a different name.

Open the web photo gallery section and select the layout you like best. Take a look at the options. Some allow things like different background colors, etc., some don’t.

Choose your first folder as the origin, choose the folder in your website files on your hard drive as the destination and then push the button and photoshop will automatically create your web gallery.

Then you have to ftp the contents of the file to your webpage.

Is that as clear as mud?
Aug 12, 2004
I can make the photo gallery no problem and I’m able to view the gallery on the web browser. My problem is when I upload the index page to my web host it does not work. Am I supposed to upload all the files,ie images, pages, thumbnails folders.

Thank, Marion
Aug 12, 2004
Yes, you need to upload all of the information for the process to work.

I have not been successful using the ftp program that comes with my website to upload. I have been able to load the entire file that includes subfolders with Dreamweaver. (Can I say that here?)
Aug 12, 2004
I use Publisher on my website. I will try loading the entire file to Publisher and see if I can it to work.

Thank, Marion
Aug 13, 2004
Jeff Seal explains it here. This is how I learned it long time ago and he still has the pages up. Great! Go ahead and do Punishment2!

Apr 26, 2005
I have a customer who has 4 folders of photos set up on their website. He would like all the photos to be grouped in the same folder. I have renumbered all photos but when I try to make a gallery within photoshop it does not grad the photos numerically and it stops at different photos saying they are already open. I have used the option before it worked.
Basically I am looking for an easy way to create this gallery and the ability to remove photos as needed without messing up the links or redoing links. There are 287 photos is the gallery.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jun 2, 2005
I have been having problems with the web photo gallery in CS2 for some weeks. I previously posted on this but got no help, so I will try again.
I get this message
"There is an error disabling controls for missing tokens. Some file or folder for selected style might be missing"
I have no idea what this means. I have tried all the usual things, reseting CS2 to defaults, re instilation; but I still get the same message. This is my present set up
Adobe Photoshop Version: 9.0 (9.0×196)
Operating System: Windows XP
Version: 5.1 Service Pack 2
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:15, Model:3, Stepping:4 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 1
Logical processor count: 2
Processor speed: 3468 MHz
Built-in memory: 2047 MB
Free memory: 1409 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 1754 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
Image cache levels: 6
Serial number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\ Temporary file path: C:\DOCUME~1\Pete\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Q:\, 19.5G, 15.6G free
P:\, 9.77G, 9.19G free
Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Plug-Ins\ Additional Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Knoll Light Factory 2\ Installed plug-ins:
3D Transform 9.0 (9.0×196)
ADM 3.10×21
ASDStrm 1.03×2
Accented Edges 9.0
Anaglyph Flip NO VERSION
Angled Strokes 9.0
Antimatter (Demo) 4.2.0
Average 9.0 (9.0×196)
BMP 9.0 (9.0×196)
Bas Relief 9.0
Bevel Boss (Demo) 4.2.0
Bigger Tiles 9.0 (9.0×196)
Brilliance/Warmth NO VERSION
Burnt Sienna NO VERSION
Camera Raw 3.0
Camera Raw 3.1
Canon 10D Resize Pro NO VERSION
Chalk & Charcoal 9.0
Charcoal 9.0
ChromaSolarize NO VERSION
Chrome (Demo) 4.2.0
Chrome 9.0
Cineon 9.0 (9.0×196)
Clouds 9.0 (9.0×196)
Color Halftone 9.0 (9.0×196)
Colored Pencil 9.0
CompuServe GIF 9.0 (9.0×196)
Conditional Mode Change 9.0 (9.0×196)
Contact Sheet II 9.0 (9.0×196)
Contrast Only NO VERSION
ContΓ© Crayon 9.0
Convert to B/W Pro NO VERSION
Convert to B/W Pro NO VERSION
Convert to B/W Pro NO VERSION
Corona (Demo) 4.2.0
Craquelure 9.0
Crop and Straighten Photos 9.0 (9.0×196)
Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 9.0 (9.0×196)
Crosshatch 9.0
Crystallize 9.0 (9.0×196)
Cutout (Demo) 4.2.0
Cutout 9.0
Dark Strokes 9.0
De-Interlace 9.0 (9.0×196)
Demitone 25 NO VERSION
Demitone 50 NO VERSION
Difference Clouds 9.0 (9.0×196)
Diffuse Glow 9.0
Displace 9.0 (9.0×196)
Drip (Demo) 4.2.0
Dry Brush 9.0
EditTransparency 3.00
Embed Watermark 2.00.15
Export Transparent Image 9.0 (9.0×196)
Extract 9.0 (9.0×196)
Extrude 9.0 (9.0×196)
FastCore Routines 9.0 (9.0×196)
Fibers 9.0 (9.0×196)
Film Grain 9.0
Filmstrip 9.0 (9.0×196)
Filter Factory 3.0.5
Filter Factory Example 3.00
Filter Gallery 9.0
Fire (Demo) 4.2.0
Fit Image 9.0 (9.0×196)
Fresco 9.0
Fur (Demo) 4.2.0
GF PrintPro Trial 4.0
GF PrintPro Trial 4.0
GF PrintPro Trial Filter 4.0
Generic EPS 9.0
Glass 4.2.0
Glass 9.0
Glowing Edges 9.0
Gradient Glow (Demo) 4.2.0
Graduated Blue NO VERSION
Graduated Coffee NO VERSION
Graduated Fog NO VERSION
Graduated Olive NO VERSION
Graduated Orange NO VERSION
Grain 9.0
Graphic Pen 9.0
Gray from Blue NO VERSION
Gray from Green NO VERSION
Gray from Red NO VERSION
HDRMergeAlign 9.0×001
HDRMergeUI 9.0×001
HSB Noise (Demo) 4.2.0
HSB/HSL 9.0 (9.0×196)
Halftone Pattern 9.0
Ink Outlines 9.0
JPEG 2000 1.6
Jiggle (Demo) 4.2.0
Jun 3, 2005
Hi Pete,
Cant answer the question to your problem but I found the Photoshop web photo album pretty naff anyway,so I got a free one from this link


Pretty easy to use and a bit more control,lots of choices. There is a sample of how I use it here


I have had to remove the headings that come with it but I use Dreamweaver and if you have it I can show you a very quick way to bin what’s on there and replace it with your own logos or text,I use the find and replace method.
Don’t know if this helps but if you cant get the Photoshop album up and running then you could give this a try


wrote in message
I have been having problems with the web photo gallery in CS2 for some weeks. I previously posted on this but got no help, so I will try again. I get this message
"There is an error disabling controls for missing tokens. Some file or folder for selected style might be missing"
I have no idea what this means. I have tried all the usual things, reseting CS2 to defaults, re instilation; but I still get the same message. This is my present set up
Adobe Photoshop Version: 9.0 (9.0×196)
Operating System: Windows XP
Version: 5.1 Service Pack 2
System architecture: Intel CPU Family:15, Model:3, Stepping:4 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, HyperThreading
Physical processor count: 1
Logical processor count: 2
Processor speed: 3468 MHz
Built-in memory: 2047 MB
Free memory: 1409 MB
Memory available to Photoshop: 1754 MB
Memory used by Photoshop: 60 %
Image cache levels: 6
Serial number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Application folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\ Temporary file path: C:\DOCUME~1\Pete\LOCALS~1\Temp\
Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
Scratch volume(s):
Q:\, 19.5G, 15.6G free
P:\, 9.77G, 9.19G free
Primary Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\Plug-Ins\
Additional Plug-ins folder: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Knoll Light Factory 2\
Installed plug-ins:
3D Transform 9.0 (9.0×196)
ADM 3.10×21
ASDStrm 1.03×2
Accented Edges 9.0
Anaglyph Flip NO VERSION
Angled Strokes 9.0
Antimatter (Demo) 4.2.0
Average 9.0 (9.0×196)
BMP 9.0 (9.0×196)
Bas Relief 9.0
Bevel Boss (Demo) 4.2.0
Bigger Tiles 9.0 (9.0×196)
Brilliance/Warmth NO VERSION
Burnt Sienna NO VERSION
Camera Raw 3.0
Camera Raw 3.1
Canon 10D Resize Pro NO VERSION
Chalk & Charcoal 9.0
Charcoal 9.0
ChromaSolarize NO VERSION
Chrome (Demo) 4.2.0
Chrome 9.0
Cineon 9.0 (9.0×196)
Clouds 9.0 (9.0×196)
Color Halftone 9.0 (9.0×196)
Colored Pencil 9.0
CompuServe GIF 9.0 (9.0×196)
Conditional Mode Change 9.0 (9.0×196)
Contact Sheet II 9.0 (9.0×196)
Contrast Only NO VERSION
Jun 5, 2005
How do I upload to the internet a web photo gallery that I have made. Do I have to my own website or is this a site by itself, and if so, how do I make a link.
Can I email my web photo gallery

Jun 5, 2005

You need your own webspace on a web server. Many ISP’s provide freespace for their subscribers.
Jun 7, 2005

Following up on LenHewitt’s response, it is helpful to create your web in its own subdirectory so you will have everything necessary to post on the site in one place. "Index" is the name of the HTML code, but everything else that falls into that subdirectory are things the HTML needs to load.
Jun 11, 2005
Has anybody created a web photo gallery and uploaded it to comcast.net to a personal web page. I would like to to have people view my webphotogallery, but I don’t know how to do it.
hanks mike
Jun 12, 2005
Doing a search of the forum turned up this. Perhaps Christine’s Answer <http://www.adobeforums.com/cgi-bin/webx?13@@.3bbaa4d7/0> will help you.
tony cooper
Jun 22, 2005
I haven’t tried the Adobe Web Photo Gallery before, and I’m stuck at the FTP stage. I went through the steps to create the gallery, and end up with a folder that I named Webup.

Webup contains:

Subfolder: Images
Subfolder: Pages
Subfolder: Thumbnails

I use Brandyware’s FreeFTP and my Earthlink web space. I can’t figure out how to upload the entire folder Webup, so I have to upload the contents of Webup and each subfolder.

When I go to http://(earthlinkaddress)/index.html I get my page with the links to the images, but clicking on the links gives me a page not found. Obviously, there’s no links between index.html and the images that I’ve uploaded. It seems to me that all of the contents of the folder and subfolders should be in one uploaded file.

If you can make any sense out of this, and see what I’m doing wrong, please advise.

BTW: The web gallery works fine within C: and I’ve uploaded many other things with FreeFTP. I’ve never worked with an index file before, though.

Tony Cooper
Orlando FL
Flo Nelson
Jun 22, 2005
"Tony Cooper" wrote in message
I haven’t tried the Adobe Web Photo Gallery before, and I’m stuck at the FTP stage. I went through the steps to create the gallery, and end up with a folder that I named Webup.

Webup contains:

Subfolder: Images
Subfolder: Pages
Subfolder: Thumbnails

I use Brandyware’s FreeFTP and my Earthlink web space. I can’t figure out how to upload the entire folder Webup, so I have to upload the contents of Webup and each subfolder.

When I go to http://(earthlinkaddress)/index.html I get my page with the links to the images, but clicking on the links gives me a page not found. Obviously, there’s no links between index.html and the images that I’ve uploaded. It seems to me that all of the contents of the folder and subfolders should be in one uploaded file.

If you can make any sense out of this, and see what I’m doing wrong, please advise.

BTW: The web gallery works fine within C: and I’ve uploaded many other things with FreeFTP. I’ve never worked with an index file before, though.

Tony Cooper
Orlando FL

You have to upload all the files, including the one called userselections.txt and, if they exist, any other html pages.

Dec 16, 2005
I would like to know if there is a way in the web photo gallery- flash 1,2 to change the picture name? instead of the .jpg file name to an actual name. and there is a description option but I don’t see any way to actually put a descriptions.
I looked at the xml file and couldn’t figure out how to change/add picture name or description
Please help
Thank you in advance
Dec 18, 2005
Hi Rene,

Would you clarify what you mean by "web photo gallery- flash 1,2"? Also, does the new PhotoShop produce XML files?

I have the old PS 7 and have been using it to make simple web photo galleries.

First I open the .jpg images one at a time and then use file/file information to enter titles and a captions (into the metadata). Save the images under whatever names you want, but the appendix ".jpg" has to be there to tell a computer what is the file format.

Using the PS "simple" template with certain settings, I can create a web photo gallery with the title directly below the thumbnails and the captions below the larger images.

Site looks OK but won’t win any prizes. Check it out at www.davearoundtheworld.org/Spain2005/index.htm

I have used MS Front Page to edit the HTML, add a little more text, clean up some things.

Michael McCarthy
Feb 12, 2006
I am having the strangest of problems. At times, when I attempt to create a web photo gallery with photoshop 7.0, there are no images. I can go to a different folder and then it works. There has to be some setting setting somewhere that I don’t know about. Any suggestions?
thanks in advance,
Michael McCarthy
Mike Hyndman
Feb 12, 2006
"Michael McCarthy" <un_papillon|@ca.inter.net> wrote in message
I am having the strangest of problems. At times, when I attempt to create a web photo gallery with photoshop 7.0, there are no images. I can go to a different folder and then it works. There has to be some setting setting somewhere that I don’t know about. Any suggestions? thanks in advance,

Michael ,

A couple of tutorials to see if you are missing any steps out. http://www.worth1000.com/tutorial.asp?sid=161024
http://graphicssoft.about.com/cs/webgallery/ht/aps5webgaller y.htm

Aug 17, 2007
I’m having a problem with the Web Photo Gallery as well. I’ve ftp’d all of the files that were created by the automated process to the server but all of the links to the images are broken. I’m inserting the photo gallery into an existing website along with the other files and linking to it from another html page in the website rather than making the photo gallery a stand-alone website. Could that be the problem?
Aug 17, 2007
If you make the destination for the automated process a specially created folder on the desk top, all the files and folders will go in there.

You then upload the folder to your server and make a link to the file index.htm within that folder.
Aug 18, 2007
and DON"T rename the index page that Photoshop creates for the web gallery…just leave it in the folder you created on your desktop as index.htm…and don’t move the index.htm file out of the folder…leave it alone and link to the web gallery index.htm page inside of the folder!
Sep 2, 2007
I am new at web desinging. I want to use the photo gallery option on my website. I have multiple pages and want more than 1 photo gallery. I would think that if CS3 creates and uoploads using the same name all the time it will be difficult to manage the uploaded files to my server (yahoo/Geocities).
I uploaded a trial but I don’t know how to insert code into my page were I want the PG to run, any help? I use Site Spinner.

Sep 2, 2007
As far as the multiple web galleries are concerned, if you upload them in individually named folders there is no conflict.

You then create links in your website to the index file within each folder.
Oct 17, 2007
I am wondering if someone can tell me if many changes were made to the Web Photo Gallery feature in CS3? I currently have CS2, and I like this function of the software, but there are many limitations to it. Is there more available customization options?

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Oct 17, 2007
I didn’t notice anything new.

But I have given up on those galleries and, if I don’t have time to build my own, I use a quick freeware solution like Web Album Generator.


There are plenty of similar programs out there.
Oct 17, 2007
Thanks John! When you build your own, what program do you use?

Oct 17, 2007
‘Building your own’ often means using a HTML web page editor like Dreamweaver, GoLive, or even Windows Notepad.
Oct 17, 2007
Yep Β– Dreamweaver here.
Oct 17, 2007
Question: Is Dreamweaver available for CS2 and if it is, what would be a good source?

wrote in message
Yep – Dreamweaver here.
Oct 18, 2007
There is a problem with filename/URL length with the automated Web Photo Gallery.

I had a prob where some images would be OK on the home page and others wouldn’t, they would appear as broken links.
I resolved it by shortening the filename of the files and re-doing the process. I havent had time to figure out just what the limit is yet.


Nov 25, 2008
I created a web photo gallery in Photoshop – which generated many html files, an xml file, an html file called index,html, etc etc.

I just want to put this web gallery into Dreamweaver. What do I do with all of these files now that I have them? How do I import them into Dreamweaver?
Nov 25, 2008
You will need to link the Index.html page of the Gallery to a page in the web site which you are building in Dreamweaver.

You will then need to upload both the Gallery contents and the Dreamweaver files to your Web Server.
Nov 25, 2008
A introductory course in web authoring may be in order if you are uncertain what to do with an index.html file.

Just post the files produced by Photoshop in a sub folder on your site (named something like ‘gallery’) and then link to <http://www.yoursite.com/gallery> from the navigation system you will build in Dreamweaver.

How to Master Sharpening in Photoshop

Give your photos a professional finish with sharpening in Photoshop. Learn to enhance details, create contrast, and prepare your images for print, web, and social media.

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Nice and short text about related topics in discussion sections