printing double sided

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Jun 3, 2004
Is there anyway to print double sided (duplex printing)?

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Jane Carter
Jun 3, 2004
Yes, I do it with my printers, just put the paper in backwards, but let it ‘dry’ first. Don’t do it with nice prints of pictures though. I do it for text and lessons. Jane
Jun 3, 2004
A printer that actually "supports" double-sided printing will have control options available in the printer control software. My HP supports double-sided printing, and when I enable that feature the printer will manage the printing so that I don’t have to shuffle the pages or rearrange them in any way. It prints the odd-numbered pages first, then has me turn the pages, and then it prints the even-numbered pages. When the print job is finished, everything is in order. A printer that does not support double-sided printing will print on both sides of the paper, but it would probably be much more difficult to keep everything in the proper order.
Jun 3, 2004
My wife’s HP 1115 has a duplexer that , when selected , automatically reverses the sheets for double sided printing. I believe it was about $70 as an option.


Jun 3, 2004
HP cp1700D has an auto duplexer (probably a few other models too). You remove the back panel from the printer and insert the large duplexer that takes the stock in after the first print, flips (rolls) the paper over and sends it back to print heads for printing the other side and then ejects after the second print out the front like normal printing.

Jun 3, 2004
Yes, I should have mentioned that my HP printer will accept the duplexer as well. The method that I described in my previous message in this thread was describing double-sided printing without the duplexer installed. I didn’t buy the unit, and it wasn’t included with my printer.
Jun 4, 2004
Lu Anne, if you are thinking of printing fotos ‘doublesided’, be careful. Most foto papers will not print on the back side. Of course, I haven’t tried them all, but the only ones I’ve found so far that will print on the reverse are some of the Ilford papers – Galerie Classic Pearl for sure.
Jun 4, 2004
I’m not necessarily recommending this paper. But I published my father’s personal history a few years ago and I found a Great White paper that was coated on both sides, and I was really quite satisfied with it. I only printed in "normal" quality on my printer. I didn’t have any bleed through on the paper, nor did I experience any problems with curling. Those are two of the problems you need to be concerned about. So if you are going to pursue this, make sure the paper has a coating on both sides, especially if you are going to print photographs. It isn’t quite as critical if you are just going to print text because you can reduce the quality somewhat and still get acceptable results.

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