e-mailing pix

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May 4, 2004
don’t know if this is the right forum for the question but can anyone tell me how do i put a photo in the body of an e-mail without adding it as an attachment?
mac 8.6 and outlook express

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May 4, 2004
Not really the right forum. You’ll probaby have to do that as html content. You can get the image into the correct format through PS, but I think getting your e-mail to do what you want is a whole other kettle of fish. Normally it’s better to create links in e-mail, since there’s such a wide range of things that will happen in your recipients’ various email browsers, individual settings and preferences. It’s difficult to assure yourself that html content will display the way you want it to.
May 4, 2004
Jonf is absolutely right. Some of us even have our email readers set to "Never Display HTML Messages", which means we only see the text anyway, without any formatting or embedded pictures, or block senders who routinely send HTML messages.
May 4, 2004
thanks but i have a friend who is applying for jobs overseas and they want pictures and text but no attachments. i have had e-mails before with that configuration but they were pc/windows not mac. so i was hopeful there was a straight forward solution.
May 4, 2004
Have your friend setup a simple portfolio page on a web server (lots of free options available these days… ) and then post a link to that page in the email.

That’s very straightforward, avoids attachments and and Mac-PC issues, and will work with every email program, allowing the pictures to be viewed by anyone in the world.
May 5, 2004
Most people that i know just pull a JPEG into their attachments — or even into the body of the text in Safari — and everyone seems to be able to open them.

Just make sure that they have the .jpg suffix.

And if they are going through AOL, either stuff or zip them or send one image per email.
May 5, 2004
I meant "Mail" not "Safari" of course in the previous Post. Sorry, it’s been a very L_O_N_G day.……
May 5, 2004
I corrected it for you, Ann.

May 5, 2004
Another viable format for adding to an email is .gif for linework/type/solid color (not for photos).

May 5, 2004
I think the problem is still going to be that though the pictures are in the body of the email, they don’t display that way in every configuration. If he’s trying to settle this issue with a specific mail recipient they can probably work things out so it will function between them, but I don’t believe there’s a universal way to make his jpegs or gifs appear in every possible email configuration. Am I wrong about that?
May 5, 2004
Thanks, Bonniej. But again, won’t this work only if the recipient is allowing html?
May 5, 2004
Posting the photos on a web server and copying the URL (pointing to the web page with those images) into the email is the only way to achieve what the original poster is after.

AFAIK, every other method being discussed will either add an attachment to the email (something the poster does not want to happen) or will be possibly handicapped by the recipent’s email program/settings (HTML viewing off, etc).
May 5, 2004
won’t this work only if the recipient is allowing html?

You’re absolutely right, jonf. I, for one, wouldn’t see that image.
May 6, 2004
the photo in the e-mail is for overseas job applications where they say no attachments. a friend is using windows xp office pro that does it by using an insert button but mac outlook express doesn’t have that option. and i don’t have windows.
the latest pix i sent my friend reduced for her works for me but her mac won’t display it cause it has" difficulty parsing the jpeg data"
what does that mean???
May 6, 2004
" the photo in the e-mail is for overseas job applications where they say no attachments."

Apparently those wizards abroad don’t know much aboutelling a good attachment from a bad one, and don’t know how to filter out the difference.

Screw inline images. Full stop. Th\ey can be done just fine; I do it, many times a day, with friends and family, and trusted clients, every damn day. There’s nothing wrong with HTML email…ESPECIALLY if you run a Mac. Quitcherbellyachin’.

Either put it on your own server space and provide a link, or send them clean, virus-free-certified Stuffit or ZIP’ed files containg the image(s) and nothing else. If they can’t deal with that, or are too paranoid because of their crap windows systems, than you need to look elsewhere for a company who has their stuff together.

I’m sorry for ranting , but all of these companies and governmental agencies that keep insisting on running an OS that’s constantly deluged with security problems ought to have there heads lodged on a pike.

"But Windows systems are cheaper! And we get discounts from M*cr*s*ft because we buy so much of their software! And it runs everything we need! And everyone else uses it!"

"Yeah. But tell me: How much do you spend chasing down this kind of crap every fiscal quarter?"

Effin’ idiots. It’s their own dang fault they have the problems and/or the paranoia they do.
May 6, 2004
"the photo in the e-mail is for overseas job applications where they say no attachments."

So don’t send attachments. Send links. Post the documents on-line and send links.

Or if you absolutely must send images as html, communicate with the company and tell them they must turn on html ability in their browser to see the images. I’m sure they’ll appreciate that.

Or maybe you can recreate all the images as typed characters, like that Tweety Bird chain-email that was going around for a while. (OK, now I’m just getting sarcastic).

All right … try this. Go ahead and post the images in the email. Nothing wrong with that. But ALSO include links. Then your bases are covered.

I should probably mention, although I doubt it will come up, that I don’t think the links won’t be clickable if they have html turned off. So you can’t hide the links inside the html. They’d need to have the full path visible in the body of the e-mail, in a single, unbroken line, in case they need to copy/paste it in their browser.
May 11, 2004
Well folks, I have the same questions and after reading all of this, I still don’t know how to do it. We want to send a pop-up image via e-mail to a list of clients (it is a promotion image). How about a step by step process of doing it.

Donovan….did you figure it out?
May 11, 2004

No insult intended, but this is a discussion forum, not always a primer textbook. Various step by step processes are in texts, and some have been posted here in the past. Searching this forum for "JPEG" and "email" might be one starting point.
May 11, 2004
Donovan was right, he’s in the wrong forum. This can be done extremely well but only on a Windows-based machine, as the software you need is not available for the Mac. Get an XP Pro computer and use Microsoft Publisher to compose your page complete with placed artwork, type, and photos. Lots of ready-made formats are available from within the program. When you’re done, go to the ‘Send’ menu at the top of the screen and type in your recipients name. If they’re in your address book, you”re done. Your whole page will be sent, complete with pictures, art and fonts completely engineered to be one composite page with no attachments.

It’s cool. It’s formatted.

Have Fun.

: )\
May 11, 2004
May 11, 2004
"Your whole page will be sent, complete with pictures, art and fonts completely engineered to be one composite page with no attachments"

Then you can just sit back, relax, and wait for the complaints to start rolling in from people who were unable to view your email…
May 11, 2004
searched before posting. i am aware windows office pro can do it but my friend runs a mac as do i and would prefer to keep clear of the worms and viruses. i am just suprised that it is not possible. i frequently send pix in the body of e-mails using save for web in photoshop with no problem but the requirements for my friend is not to have an a attachment due to overseas people being wary of the bugs they may contain as they are probably using pc not mac
May 11, 2004
If you and your friend both have Macs just send each image as an attached jpeg file properly sized, no problem.
May 12, 2004

You missed the whole point. His friend needs to send embedded images to potential employers abroad who categorically do not want attachments.
May 12, 2004
Build a web page.

Send a link.


Should be the end of the discussion.
May 12, 2004
easy peasy
when you use the right application ie netscape.
you can resize, position in text etc. phew!
as a rule i use outlook as my mail as i find it easier and quicker but there you go mac users.
May 12, 2004

That’s great… unless the recipient has their mail program set to not display HTML.

My earlier post (no.4 in this thread) and Phosphor’s no.25 is the only way to deliver content to a remote computer without embedding or attaching anything.

It’s a simple solution… I’m just bewildered why I’m typing message no.27 to reiterate it. 🙂
May 12, 2004
"i am just suprised that it is not possible."

There’s nothing to be surprised about. E-mail and Web content has always allowed the user or recipient a lot of control over how they view html content. That’s not likely to change. The sender or creator can be very specific about how they want their content to display, but ultimately you have no power over what preferences and options your recipient has set up on their computer. You need to just accept that fact and find the best way to deal with it for your specific situation. But keep in mind, always, that you can’t from your end overrule the settings and preferences of any recipient.

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